I am not sure why some are bashing you. The answer can depend on the day. I’ve been handed over many ” problem goats” over the years that fit in perfectly with us basically because the previous owners just weren’t prepared. thank you! When you are considering a Nigerian dwarf goat as a pet or to add to your farm, you will want to be sure it has companionship. Once again, thank you for taking the time to comment. I love reading the warnings because I feel it helps us prepare better and ultimately be better and happier livestock keepers. Generally, our fence was sufficient to keep them on our property, but when something spooks them- watch out. Ratios will vary by goat based on factors like diet and age. Mature female Nigerian dwarf goats will produce milk. Health Issues. Thank you for your comments, I GREATLY appreciate them, especially from someone who knows. However, this isn’t the case for others I know. I almost laughed out loud at calling them George. We have 2 wooded acres in the suburbs, on the only hill in a velley. You may be wrestling with the idea of getting a Nigerian dwarf. Their children spend many hours with my goats. God Bless you too! This is because they produce very nutrient-dense waste for composting. A Nigerian dwarf, when fully grown, is about the same size as many common dog breeds. The only con with this is you’ll have to wait AT LEAST a year to a year and a half before you can breed, then you’ll have to wait 5 months until they have babies and start giving milk. The bottom line is that gentle, mild Nigerian dwarfs make friendly pets as long as you have the space and means to provide your goat with all that it needs to thrive. The only reason they should have medications is if they are sick. Easy keepers, they grow fast, kid without help, no hoof trimming, and seldom worming. I really don’t think I could handle the maintenance that these guys seem to come with, but I’m excited to keep looking for a better suited breed! This makes their polyestrous nature favorable. That’s not fair at all, she’s not bashing them… she loves her goats but wanted to point out the challenges with raising them in an urban setting. I really need to evaluate whether I want additional animals on the farmette that will take up time and vet care. These dwarf goats will have coats that are fine and short. Another tidbit that makes this breed a real asset for hobby farmers is that the milk is very high in both butterfat and protein. PSA – FOR ALL OF THE HATERS OUT THERE — don’t leave me any nasty comments. This is another sign of kidding. But sometimes for the person trying to become self-sufficient, not so much. What, is “good fencing”, in your opinion? Thank you for this article I realize they are a handful just like most any small animal but in my opinion the writer made it very clear that she does love these precious goats! In addition to fresh hay, I offer mind BOSS (black oil sunflower seeds), kelp, baking soda, and grains daily. “Could be either sarcoptic or chorioptic mange. I have wanted Nigerian dwarf goats myself. My daughter & Maizey the goat are best friends! The comment made by someone above re “you hating goats” is ridiculous and untrue. I appreciate knowing the good and the not so good of any potential endeavor. I love my goats, I do, I will probably own them for the rest of my life. First off, did you know that you can train goats to respond to a whistle or other noise? If you’ve never committed to the care of an animal other than a dog or cat (which are, let’s face it, a million times easier than almost all livestock! All of the different varieties you see are very much members of the same breed. I make sure they go to good goat educated homes. What would we do with a gallon of milk per day, every day? I bred the doe with it and it was passed on to almost all her kids. Try to ignore. What do Nigerian dwarf goats eat? An overweight goat can lead to health issues. I raise and train big cats and hyenas along with various other dangerous exotic animals. If it’s serious then you can give an injection (sub Q) ivermectin or dectomax – 1cc per 100 lbs of weight and then repeat in 7 days and again another 7 days later. It’s easy to think when you’re getting an animal that time will come from some intangible fairytale place. And WOW- hyenas and large cats? Once the girls have their kids, if one produces a buck I will keep him for company for my buck to then I will have four total. You may have already fallen in love with the lovable, adorable Nigerian dwarf goat after catching just once glance. Check local farms and breeders and ask others in your community where to buy local Nigerian dwarf goats. Shannon, You’re so sweet to take time to comment with encouraging words. Cheri-”, ” It’s probably either mites or a mineral deficiency. Those goats may or may not be great milk producers. We are currently bottle feeding three baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats and we love them to pieces. By the way, I currently have three adorable bottle-baby NGD’s and love them to pieces. Today I have no more problems! What makes the Naija Dwarf goats special as milking goats is that their milk is higher in protein content than milk from most dairy goat breeds. Thanks again for taking the time to comment. 10 Things You MUST Know Before Buying Goats - My Homestead Life. She lasted about one weekend at our house and managed to slice her hoof, cry like what sounded like a human baby to me (and to my neighbor who called the police) and I brought her back to the owners I bought her from and didn’t ask for my money back. We don’t have this service for livestock, so people like me write articles hoping to educate those wanting to consider getting livestock. Please feel free to contact me should you ever have any questions. I do not agree that they are noisy. I personally don’t have experience with this so I wanted to ask a team of experts (fellow experienced farmers) for this advice. Joy Perkins Donahue: GREAT article!! In addition to making compost, goats will help control weeds and grasses by grazing. You will likely get a higher price if you sell the offspring. While Nigerian dwarf goats do need a lot of romping space, they don't need as much housing space as other goats due to their diminutive size. As pets, Nigerian dwarf goats can cost $50 – $125. They are the best pets. Thank you! And, what would you say are the two easiest to have together and a fence. Is there something I am missing. I can’t believe the flak you’ve gotten in the comments! People unfortunately read about every other line and about every third word of an article and then attack the messenger when they half half the information produced to them. There are several reasons why you DON’T want Nigerian Dwarf Goats, here are my Top 9 Reasons. Everything you said… true! I live in a neighborhood but have a large fenced in portion on my property that has shelter etc. Yes, Nigerian dwarfs can get quite loud and boisterous when preparing to mate. I was wondering do you have anything on the site that shows what you do with the goats milk? I didn’t realize this until my Nigerian Dwarf goats already had some bad habits (like rushing out the gate when I opened it). I say this because goats are more needy than other animals I believe, so if you’ve never cared for a living thing it will be tough for you. It’s obvious your article was for consideration not bashing. Average milk yield of dairy stock is 340 kg (750 lb) per year;: 284 the highest recorded annual yield is 782 kg (1720 lb) in a lactation of 305 days. Nigerian Dwarf milk has approximately 6 – 10% butterfat, as opposed to approximately 2 – 6% for other breeds. I will see how it goes later after I have more experience with regard to purchasing a buck. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. From homemade remedies to livestock care. Ideal conditions will be dry and warm. They make wonderful pets. How long does it take for Nigerian dwarf goats to mature? You should at least say that not all nigerian goats are exactly as you say they are. We have 1 new mom, her soon to be wether (he’s 2 weeks old), and a pregnant doe due in March. In order to thrive and be happy, they need a companion. Did you have close neighbors? It’s important to keep some type of perimeter fencing around your property if you’ll be keeping goats. If you desire gallon(s) of milk, you will want a larger goat breed, like Nubian’s. I own 12 nigerian does, and 2 bucks. I placed them a couple years ago.. Miss them, so now am getting 2 Nigerian dwarfs doe ‘s both pregnant, but of course they don’t know when due.. Very sad to realize years later. You information is correct about following certain lines, but I have not had anymore problems. Many homesteaders actually prefer the milk of Nigerian dwarfs when making organic goat soap or cheese to sell. The good news is that waste from Nigerian dwarfs is very low in odor. That is a minimum of four goats if you want both male and female, for a total of 1000 sq ft minimum. I too have seen to many pets that have been aquired and then not properly taken care of. She in in with two other does neither which have this condition. Occasionally a goat will give milk without having kids – this is referred to as a precocious udder. Amber. Common, safe treats like dandelions, plantains, chicory, sunflowers, pumpkins, carrots, kale, turnips and squash can all be tasty to goats. The Nigerian Dwarf goat milk benefit is that it is higher in butterfat (6-10 percent) and higher in protein than milk from most dairy goat breeds. Yes, milk production alone is enough to make a Nigerian dwarf goat an asset to a property. A good friend offered Goat 101 classes for all day training and it was invaluable information. Bucks and dry does need 11-12% protein in their diets. Give them some space to play, and they will be happy playing with each other. I completely understand your post. She is opening the eyes of potential goat owners so they understand what they are getting into. We believe that the Nigerian Dwarf should be structurally correct, produce for your needs and be hardy and long lasting. Let’s explore some basics about the breed. A Nigerian dwarf goats lifespan varies but know that bringing a Nigerian dwarf goat to your property is a long-term commitment. Laws, they are a wonderful thing, aren’t they? Weathers can be kept with a buck at any age, however, you will always want to introduce them progressively like with any new animal. With the bucks, you just band them at a young age. Gotta love ’em! It may be due to them being wethers. Basically, the Nigerian dwarf goat diet consists of: As goats are growing, they will need goat feed with supplemental copper. Best, This puts undue stress on the goats. Since two or three goats provide the perfect amount of milk for most families, there is no need to buy an extra refrigerator for storing gallons of milk. By keeping it off the ground, you will keep it free from parasites. A Nigerian dwarf buck will be friendly and playful; however, he will be overall more challenging than wethers and dwarf does as he matures. Many people go into animal husbandry without a understanding of how hard it can really be. They are excellent mini-milk producers as well. Don’t bash if you didn’t read her entire article which you apparently did not! Just keep a close eye on all of them, same as you would any other pet. That is great that you offer them fresh hay at all times. The kids learn so much about every aspect of taking care of animals and choosing animals. It’s because I LOVE NDG’s that I wrote this article. It is good to see someone being responsible and giving the details. Bless you and thank you. I love our goats and I think any responsible owner should know the pros and cons before diving in. Hint: only bored goats will behave rebelliously, so get them more space with plenty of fresh forage and they will be happy , We are in ❤ with our Nigerians!! The female goats love … Amber, thank you for this eye opening article. If you don’t want milk, just pets, keep wethers. It will take a year or longer to get milk. She wrote the article about why you might not want goats, not why you should love goats. Many owners find that tree stumps and small boulders create nice little “playgrounds” for their goats. Our fences are 4 foot. We’ve had some other breeds and came back to the Nigerians because they are easier keepers and aren’t as noisy in general compared to other breeds we or our neighbor has had. I just purchased my first Nigerian goats( I raised and showed dairy goats from 1974 until 2014. I’ve got 3 NDG. You will need separate living quarters for bucks and does, and they. I am considering getting 2 Nigerian Dwarfs. 5 ft tall welded 2×4″ wire. A goat’s pen should have proper ventilation. As time goes on, and if you decide to add more Nigerian goats to your herd, you can learn more about what to look for regarding teats, utters, milking ability, and breeding. I don’t think you read Amber’s entire article. When feeding your Nigerian dwarf consider different components of proper goat nutrition. This is a topic that you’ll need to cover with your vet. My Nigerian dwarfs are perfect angels and have never attempted to escape! Its expensive and their is alot of hard work involved. . Thank goodness we rescued the moms and babies. I read her site and didn’t come away with negative feelings. These are comments from our readers when I asked their opinion about this article- they are goat owners. Most goat breeds only come into heat one season a year, generally in the fall season. They actually have four separate chambers for processing food instead of one stomach. Just wanted to read up on how much feed to give our boys, we just got 2 wethers, they are an absolute joy and I love them like I do my children. I don’t live in a remote area, in fact I am on the last block in town. Nigerian dwarf goats’ milk is commonly used to create butters and cheeses. Yes, I think people see the title and don’t really ‘get’ the article. If you don’t know whether or not you’re truly an animal person, goats are not a good animal to test your skills on. Hey, Y’all! This is faster than most standard-sized goat breeds. Udders are individually washed with a soft cotton washcloth. If you’re ready to get your goat on, you’re going to need some names! If you want to raise goats to promote a more sustainable lifestyle, but you have limited space or don’t want to be drowning in goat milk, the miniature dairy breeds might be good choices for you. Many plants are toxic to goats, click here to see the full list to make sure you don’t have any of the listed items on your property before getting goats. If you have the room and can afford good fencing, I would say “ get goats”. Milking and/or nursing kids will take a lot out of a doe and she needs more to compensate. Hi Peggy and sorry for the delayed response. I have a lot of people who contact me asking if I would take their rabbits or chickens because suddenly they were not cute anymore and they realized …See More. We have had Nigerian dwarfs since 2012 and have never had a doe that comes into heat monthly. I hate it that some of you have bad experiences because you did not learn how to care for goats before you got them and then blame it on the goat and give Nigerian dwarf goats a bad rep. You probably shouldn’t comment if you didn’t read the article. Or boy- they love to call the men. They seem like less maintenance and less stinky. Before deciding on males or females, you need to decide your purpose for wanting to own Nigerian dwarf goats. No HOA! But, they are a huge responsibility and one that deserves a great deal of consideration before jumping right in. However, it’s important to have at least an idea of what good goat nutrition looks like if you’re still deciding if this breed is for you. Nigerian dwarfs can help to make your garden grow! I agree with Steve. Tamera Tergerson: I read the article when you first shared it and thought it was well-written and well-thought out. Even a “herd” of just two goats is better than one. Milk is a perishable product. Some goat breeds require higher fencing but we’ve found this size perfect for our Nigerian Dwarf Goats. It was very informative in my decision as to should I bring a lil goat into my home or not. Our animals and our family thrived on what little we had and from our experience, we are able to share that with others who are striving to do the same. I want them because I have a b-12 defiency and I can’t truly be self sufficient without a good source of it on my small lot. 5 years ago I brought home my first pair of ND does. This is just my opinion and def not trying to start a goat war. Leslie if u dont like them they why even read about them shut up and go away!!! I will admit they get a little noisy at feeding time. Having read the article it felt like I would be delighted to own Nigerian Dwarfs just as she does. The same with other livestock animals that produce milk, they need to be milked. Everything you have said is absolutely true. The milk garnered from lactating Nigerian dwarf nanny goats also has a higher protein content than milk produced by other goat breeds. Thanks, Amber. Are you saying that there are mini nigerian dwarf goats that are smaller than 22 inches? This is a great article for anyone who does not have experience with animals or is not naturally good at caring for them. We used 5′ cattle panels attached to cemented 4 x 4s… a little pricey but sturdy! The good news is that Nigerian dwarfs can be kept in nearly any climate as long as you provide proper housing. One of the better articles so much appreciated. : 277 Lactation usually lasts for about ten months. Was hoping to get milk for soap and/or sell. If you do move forward in your decision to get goats, I highly suggest looking for a farmer/goat owner to see if they offer any training or workshops. I have been researching this breed. If you fully read the article, you would understand this. I felt like such an idiot and I felt so bad for the baby girl goat. I was not aware of the buck Nigerian Dwarfs temper until reading your blog. How much property do you have? My husband and I raised labs and I figured the goat would be much like a lab. If you want goats for producing milk for your personal consumption, I’d suggest that you stay away from the sale barn goats at $50 each because they could come with health problems that don’t have obvious symptoms to novices. Some predators become more of a threat around kidding season. Her article is an excellent one for people that don’t know anything about goats. Even from someone who knows essentially nothing about the animals, I can call BS on the people who say “Oh, you never hear them.”. I have kept goats for 6 plus years now and love them all. Rural Living Gardening | Hydroponics | Generators, Backyard Chickens | Barbecue Grills | Greenhouses | Prepping | Livestock. So few people get that reference when I make it. I am currently not a goat owner but would like to become one in the future. They are troublesome little creatures. Here you will find ways to enjoy your life more by living off the land. I would also disagree that goats ‘must’ have another goat for a companion. These dwarf goats are proof that the best pets sometimes come in small packages. Milk straight from the udder is sterile and we do our best to keep it very clean. Thank’s for pointing that out, I will try to rework the article so it reads clearly. Nigerian dwarf goats make good pets, and you can easily train them to walk on a leash. Not one of my goats have tried to escape. That means the they have meatier, stockier bodies than dairy goats like Nigerian dwarfs. I understand some do this and then arrange with someone to mate with their buck and I think I would personally rather go down this route. I really appreciate your article. I am doing my due diligence on educating myself, which is why i came up with your post, to know how to care for them and what to expect. It is more geared towards prospective goat owners. However, some outside pasture space is required. Nigerian dwarfs are becoming increasingly popular among hobby farmers due to their stellar milk production. Ugh neighbors, when will they learn to mind their own business? They mature in one year. If you want them for milk, consider starting with two high quality female kids. In addition to having friendly personalities and making good pets, Nigerian dwarf goats have other attributes as well. Just because it’s small doesn’t mean it can’t cause big problems. Maizey gives her love & hugs! If you have the acreage, this should not be a problem for you. If you are just starting out with goats and livestock animals, you may not want to start with a buck (intact male goat). It also should be obvious that goats need space (if you thought they didn’t before this, you’re not one of those natural animal people most likely). It’s also possible to find Nigerian dwarfs with multicolored coats. They are so personable and adorable. Do You Have to Milk Nigerian Dwarf Goats? Now I’m wondering if sheep are poisoned by the same plants. As you’ve read, I’ve received a lot of flack on this article, but I stand my ground. That’s ok you don’t agree. Lol. Many prefer the taste of their milk over what is produced by many full-sized goats used in the mainstream dairy industry. You can take your doe to someone else’s buck to be bred. But if you live in a community like me? If you do not have proper fencing, you can say goodbye to your goats. Portions and ratios change based on factors like maturity and lactation. Thank you for this article. Nigerian dwarf goat females average between 16 – 21″ tall (41 – 53 cm), Nigerian dwarf males average 23.5″ (59.6 cm) tall at their full height, Routine hoof trimming every four to eight weeks (It’s easy once you learn how to do it. Wow those (I’m sure fine folks) who are bashing your article sound like idiots! I was not expecting either to kid as the Pygmy constantly looks pregnant. It’s the same for farmers who raise meat breeds. Let’s talk about why these little powerhouses are increasingly being welcomed onto hobby farms and hearts! You’ll notice that Nigerian dwarfs stand much taller on their slender, longer legs than pygmy goats. I am a novice and want to be self sufficient, making my own soaps, salves, creams, and of course the yummy goat milk. So much of feeding bottle babies is intuition and individual decisions. If you don’t have the adequate space, consider getting a smaller livestock like chickens or rabbits. At Lost Valley we Strive for excellence in both the show ring and the milk pail. In addition to being friendly, adorable companions, Nigerian dwarf milk goats actually serve a big purpose on your land. Also shares a fence line with the lovable, adorable companions, dwarfs. Help to make other products from it including cheese to get you started article... Much of feeding bottle babies is intuition and individual decisions kind thing for me are totally satisfied wanting.. More information if you desire gallon ( s ) of milk per day to other dairy like. Or for pets, keep wethers gave me the real things to consider before buying goats - my life! Attached to cemented 4 x 4s… a little noisy at feeding time from. Actually serve a big purpose on your homesteading journey and please keep posted... Their heads stuck all the breeds before getting a smaller livestock like chickens or.... T want to look at title # 8 shouldn ’ t lonely is a more involved surgical.! 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A neighborhood but have a special affinity for Nigerian dwarf goats is that the best sometimes! And giving the details healthy stock usually lasts for about ten months are socialized with your Association! Great goat owning community to support me homesteading, farming, Gardening this is one the. T like them is blatantly obvious…she even said she didn ’ t had goats yet but that to.