I've been working on the Cub Scout site and FreeCodeCamp curriculum. (Took a break in middle due to college stuff so, end date extended) All the files,practice code,projects that I'll do in #100daysofcode will be in these repo. This is my 100 days coding challenge. Login Sign up. :-). I feel like I have a good grasp of both Flexbox and Grid but I still have issues getting things to line up properly. The Basic Algorithm Scripting section of FreeCodeCamp is the first section that has been challenging but also pretty satisfying and less frustrating at the same time. Do at least 30 mins of no-code learning a day for 100 days 2. Join the #100DaysOfCode. I'll start with multiple files and when it's working, I'll start compiling it into one clean file. Finished a few more FreeCodeCamp challenges today. :) Target: 1.) There are so many of them, and it's taking enough time, that I don't need to worry about remembering the solution and making it too easy for myself. The thing works great but now I need to develop the content that a logged in user will be directed to. It started with Flexbox Zombie, chapter 6 which covered the "flex-grow" and "flex-shrink" properties. Here's a screenshot of the code: Once I had that built, I went into the Chrome console and started messing around with accessing the objects and arrays and combining them. Specifically I went through Advanced Functions and Advanced Arrays. I have a good grasp of it but would like to learn more about proper element tags and meta tags. "Skills" has an array of the character's main skills (six skills) and each skill is an object that containts the properties "realskill" and "skillcap". Today was a struggle. Then in the console I added them together along with the character's name and got "The Distinguished Lord Windarian Ktulu". The more I mess with it, the more I'll absorb. Over the last two days, I have spent a lot of time cleaning up existing projects like my portfolio, the scuba quiz, and my long-term "social network" project. Coding today was mostly on paper. I finally finished the last challenge of Basic Algorithm Scripting on FreeCodeCamp. The basics are 2 rules: Code for one hour a day; Post you progress to Twitter using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode 100 Days of Code is a VS Code extension that helps you reach your goals and complete the #100DaysOfCode Challenge.. One more left in Basic Algorithm Scripting. JavaScript is the next big goal and I'll start really feeling like a developer. This is the most progress on FreeCodeCamp I've made in one day ever. Out of reach is a good thing. This talk is about “scaling yourself” and what I learned after the #100DaysOfCode challenge. With that, I got more practice with building layout in CSS Grid and Flexbox, and expanded on the scuba quiz app by adding more questions and changing the styling. I finished the last two chapters of Flexbox Zombies today! I was only able to spend an hour coding today and spent that working on the FreeCodeCamp curriculum. One problem I have had is trying to get a layout to work when I don't necessarily know how much room a section is going to take. It was New Year’s Day. Join 30 Days of Code… I've been working on the Cub Scout site and FreeCodeCamp curriculum. This one might be an entry level scuba diving quiz but the others could be on more specialized knowledge. I do need to finish this Cub Scout page soon though. The 100 Days of Code Challenge is a commitment to code for at least an hour everyday for 100 days and you have to tweet your progress everyday as well. I want to explore the development of Wordpress themes. Post a daily progress update on Twitter detailing your learning's using the hashtag #100DaysOfNoCode 3. I am going to start a coding challenge for myself, 100 days of coding at least 2+ hours everyday. The 100 Days of Code challenge is a self-directed commitment by developers to build strong and consistent coding habits. Developer Alex Kallaway started it in 2016 based on the idea that consistency is the path to mastery. Competetive Java 2.) The only thing to be kept in mind is that, make sure you are learning and gaining something every day for the next 100 days. I tried to use JSON so I could keep the questions in a JSON file but that was a bit difficult. It seems pretty straightforward. It is a course geared towards beginning programmers. I did get a lot done on the layout though. It's getting better but it's pretty annoying. I missed two days due to family activity so I'm adjusting the countdown timer accordingly. The prototype updates a designated emergency contact with the developments of a patient in quarantine and was developed using only frontend technologies. 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021 Master Python by building 100 projects in 100 days. I finished two more challenges on FreeCodeCamp and only one more to go for Basic Algorithm Scripting. Today I finished destructuring exercises in FreeCodeCamp and also went through the rest of the ES6 Challenges and all the way through Regular Expressions. I met with a board member from the church to discuss the needs for the website redesign. What is 100 Days of Code? Week 6 Throughout this challenge, I gained the the following technical knowledge: React Native App — throughout May I participated in a remote month-long Code First Girls Hackathon and in a team of 5 created a prototype app. As seen in the demo, the user can add the location of the restaurant and this featured was enabled by using the Google Maps API. This talk is about “scaling yourself” and what I learned after the #100DaysOfCode challenge. This resource is awesome! Once again, I tried an over-complicated solution to an algorithm problem. Between learning JavaScript and finishing Flexbox Zombies, I'm going to figure out how to organize this challenge page so that instead of a big list of 100 days, it will be put into weeks. I was especially proud of myself for remembering how to add properties to objects through the console. I built the progress bar and now it not only keeps track of how many questions you've asked and how many are remaining, but also shows a green color when the answer is correct and a red answer when it's incorrect. Coding and learning daily right? The rest of them are free. This is great for seasoned coders or complete beginners. Not a lot of time to code today. Practice Coding … Study Material . Practice Coding … I accomplished this using a click event but eventually want to use a minimum score reached on a particular quiz for the scuba platform I want to develop. I wasn't able to test it today but I've written it out and I am about 50% sure that it will accomplish what I want. Lots of time on FreeCodeCamp today working through a few more challenges in the Basic Algorithm Scripting section. It seemed like it was explained thoroughly but I still don't firmly grasp it. The challenge follows one simple rule: Code for a minimum of one hour each day for the next 100 days. 100 Days of Code challenges developers to code for at least one hour every day for 100 days. You can find out more about the process here. Today I started and finished chapter 7 of Flexbox Zombies which was all about the "flex-basis" property. That gave me a great start but now I'm going to have to figure some things out on my own. One for scuba physics, one for underwater environment, etc. Now it's off to object oriented programming challenges. The tutorial just included one quiz and one page for high scores. I had just completed my Masters degree in Computer Science and started a new job which, as opposed to my Masters, involved little to no programming at all. I set the amount of rows and columns I want along with the grid gap and then literally drag out the layout for each of my divs. I went through a few more challenges in the Basic Algorithm Scripting section of FreeCodeCamp. Coding for 100 consecutive days while tracking your progress may seem like an impossible task. First of all, I finally got back to really working on JavaScript. Tweet your progress every day with the #100DaysOfCode hashtag. The only real coding (other than work related code) I did was a PR to BradFitz’ groupcache project. I also found myself thinking through how I would approach this particular task all the way home from work today. I have created a new Twitter account to join the "100 Days of Coding" Challenge and spent some time setting up this log. Today there was more work on the Cub Scout site with the contact page. Having been more active on Twitter last summer, I came across the #100DaysOfCode challenge, created by Alexander Kallaway. When it comes down to it, I need to start building a new JavaScript project to get my brain in the JS game. Pure JavaScript today. I think the next section on object oriented programming will go smoother. This is the longest stretch I've gone without logging or reporting in. Unfortunately, I missed two days of coding. I also need to learn more about media queries and some of the more advanced animations in CSS. Black women in tech event — (I actually spoke at this event! Next Challenge . I had about three and a half hours of code today. My goal is to have multiple quizzes which all link to one high score pages that shows high scores for each quiz. Once I get this under control, I am going to turn this into a SCUBA quiz. With that, I want to learn how to build badges that can be earned depending on scores earned. On the Scuba Quiz, I added 12 more questions. Then I tried Grid Garden to get a handle on CSS grid. The process itself is probably not that impressive or even difficult for a seasoned JS coder but being new to this, it was very satisfying to figure this process out on my own. A popular challenge that beginner programmers participate in is called 100 Days of Code. I have one more destructuring exercise in the section so I look forward to finishing that ASAP. This was fun and very satisfying! The challenge follows one simple rule: Code for at least an hour each day for 100 consecutive days. It's a different way of setting height/width but is better somehow. This time, I went through both with no problem and not even a lot of thought. I worked on adding social media contacts and getting them styled properly. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually built a new JavaScript project each day? The only real coding (other than work related code) I did was a PR to BradFitz’ groupcache project. Other than Flexbox Zombies, I spent a little time editing the code on this challenge page. I wasn't able to work on much more than chapter 8 because of work commitments. I created an object that included my character's name, skills, reputation, and race. Thoughts. I know I'm not absorbing all of this but the familiarity with the concepts is what is most important. Destructuring was tough but the Regular Expressions section went much smoother. It seems like a very powerful tool to have. This project will take a while but should give me some great experience with JS! Next I'm working on a MailChip contact form for the site and then I'll get to the last couple of pages. And you should join me. The "order" property was much easier to grasp than flex-basis. I worked on and finished chapter 8 of Flexbox Zombies today. Using courses from Udemy and resources from Youtube. I worked on this as part of a much larger project related to my scuba quiz. I worked on the "Introduction to ES6 Challenges" section. Join me, let's code together. For this particular instance I chose to look up the code, copy/paste it, and then modify it to my liking. For the most part this curriculum wasn't too bad. Long story short...I need to always remember to try to keep my solutions as simple as they can be. I did want to finish the Basic Algorithm Scripting section of FreeCodeCamp so I did. The 5 Day Coding Challenge is designed to see if you have an aptitude for code. Week 4 I spent all night and morning being ill, and ended up having to take the day off … I finished through chapter four which means I've covered align-items, align-self, justify-content, and flex-direction. I don't want to lean on this to do my work for me but I do think it's a great way to learn CSS Grid more by building a layout and then analyzing the code that is generated to see how something is done. Let's just say it's been a particularly stressful week and has been difficult to log here and update on Twitter at the end of each day. Tomorrow I will spend more time on the FreeCodeCamp curriculum as I try to get more familiar with JavaScript. I am following a tutorial on how to build a quiz but since he goes pretty fast, it forces me to stop and absorb everything we're going through to build this thing. I want to begin working on some personal projects that could become something larger as my knowledge increases. I'm not sure why that is happening but I'll keep working on it. 100 days to expert coder is a reward based competitive programming cohort for coders. Day 36 was a great day for coding! With busy schedules it was not always easy, but we delivered. Also...I added a day to the challenge because I was traveling home yesterday and didn't get to code at all. There are just a few constants that need to change depending on the quiz being taken. It will be like looking at them for the first time but with a better tool kit in my brain. :-(. I would love to try the developer's next game "Grid Critters" but that one's not free...it's $139. 30 Days of Code. I started building a prototype of a very long-term scuba diving project that I am planning. He was kind enough to point me to @coding_rob as the original source of the hashtag. I reviewed the quiz app code because it was done using a tutorial and I want to make sure I understand everything that needed to be done. Week 1 I feel pretty comfortable with CSS but need to practice CSS Grid more to get a better understanding of responsive grids. I also experimented with making an image appear only if a specific checkbox is checked. I didn't...but it looks like I did. Interview Notes Mock Tests Preparation Bytes Video Tutorial. Today is Day 100 and we confirm: mission accomplished. ), A spotlight on Data Science, DevOps, Product Management and UX/UI Design, Women-in-tech event— (I spoke at one of these events too! Either I overthink the problem and come up with a solution more complicated than I needed to, or I try to solve the problem using the skills I've learned most recently when the problem really needs a skill that I know and understand, but haven't been exposed to in a while. Today I spent time experimenting with JavaScript. To celebrate, we’re going to take on the 100 Days of Code Challenge! I spent a lot of time going back to some basic JavaScript...building a log-in form using prompt, arrays, objects, and alerts. You can find my 100 days of code twitter thread here. I'll say again...I really have to get back into learning JavaScript. I went through the "Introduction to Basic Data Structures" section of FreeCodeCamp today. The current site is a Wordpress theme that doesn't look very good so this new site is needed. Week 5 For this challenge, I have some goals: Strengthen my knowledge of HTML. If I want to cast a certain spell, there is a function that is checking my character's skill level, reagents available, mana level, the stats of the target, any stat modifiers the character might have, etc. I built the log-in form fairly easily. I worked on an Excel workbook today but most of it was formatting, not coding or formulas so I can't really count that. Why I’m Doing It (That’s what PyBites is all about!) The user has the option to sign up, create an account/user profile and add their reviews. Since a major project I'm planning is similar to a social network, I will probably get more comfortable with JavaScript and then start learning PHP for the backend. I haven't touched FreeCodeCamp in several weeks until today so I'd really like to get back into it. Before I jump into the technical things I learnt, these are some of the non-technical things I learnt along the way: Prior to starting the challenge I had a very basic understanding of python and MATLAB as I used these languages throughout my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Week 7. I completed one more challenge in FreeCodeCamp's Basic Algorithm Scripting section. Although I'm still a little foggy on flex-basis, I think I'm pretty squared away on the other properties. So if the original string is ("hello", 3), the new string would be "hellohellohello" as long as the given number was positive. Prior to this, I‘d tried learning how to code … Dive deeper into JavaScript. I need to get into the habit of making sure I push some of my work to Github before midnight. Align-content took a little more thought to realize the difference between align-content and align-items but I think I've got it. The example today was trying to turn a string into a new string by multiplying the original string by a given number. It was created as a way to hold oneself accountable to coding every day, by making posts to social media daily including the hashtag: #100daysofcode, documenting … I also spent some time today writing out on paper the actions that need to be taken to continue building this site. This is, I think, the 9th (and hopefully final) version of this site. Welcome! This covered the "order" property of Flexbox. The problem is that I'm focused mostly on that particular chapter's lesson and forget about checking for the things covered previously. This was a valuable lesson to learn...as long as I remember it going forward. Day 2. The debugging section of FreeCodeCamp went much smoother than some previous sections. Login Sign up. What is 100 Days of Code? I was able to get it to work except with an incorrect log-in the content stayed visible until I clicked the "Okay" button on the "Sorry..." message. Being able to tell the difference between how much an element grows compared to the other elements is a bit tricky. Coding for 100 consecutive days while tracking your progress may seem like an impossible task. I have begun learning it but I do not have a good grasp of it and need to relearn some things and practice more. What Is The #100DaysOfCode Challenge? I am realizing as I go through the Basic Algorithm Scripting section that I can probably solve more problems than I realize. To be short and precise, anyone who wants to learn to code/ improve their coding skills. 5 Day Coding Challenge. I added a new property to the "reputation" objects which was "title" and gave it a "value". I am a morning person and usually start my day around 6am. That's okay...I'll add a day to the end of this challenge to make up for it. I was doing all kinds of things with a for loop, if statements, building an array and trying to combine the pieces into a new array. If I start a specific quiz, I need that "start" function to use one value for about three different constants and a different value for those constants if another quiz is started. 100_DAYS_OF_CODE. 100 Days Of Code is a social media project, primarily on Twitter, that anyone can participate in via the #100DaysOfCode hashtag. Last updated 12/2020 English I've been bad about not adding alt tags to my images and I also had a couple of mismatched h tags. It's getting easier to recall what kind of code to write when tasked with something but once I get through these, I'm going to go back through them again to see if I can figure them out without much help. It's probably a great program but not something I can justify spending $139 on. Finally, I reviewed the code from the quiz app. Once I have the overall layout I want, I click a button and it gives me the code needed for the parent element and divs. I have set a hefty list of goals above but I already have a headstart on HTML and CSS. 100 Days of Code challenges developers to code for at least one hour every day for 100 days. Challenge Overview & Introduction to HTML . I would like to start learning PHP. Hey everyone! To see more of my progress, follow me on:Twitter: temiolukokoInstagram: temilola.dev& subscribe to my YouTube channel: Temi Olukoko, where I discuss all things tech, careers and adulthood! I've coded...just not recorded it. It was pretty good and I got a decent grasp on it but the "stretch" align property still gets me most of the time. I still need to add my "100 Days of Coding" challenge log to my portfolio. I found that I was using an single quote where I should have been using the back tick mark instead. So the first seven days of coding for my 100 Days of Code Challenge have passed. I usually ended up with 20 or more tabs open in my browser and rarely got through half of the blog posts before adding more to the list. So even though I was reading and learning stuff, I am going to count the past 10 days as just one day in my 100 Days of Code challenge, because as the name suggests, it is a code challenge. Day 47-52: August 2-7, 2019 Today's Progress. Not only that, but even after I had it down, something with the alignment would keep me from passing the test. Also, as a sidenote, since I do most of my coding at night, it's a challenge to remember to push any of my code to Github before midnight and then my Github activity shows that I missed a day. Also did another exercise in Basic Algorithm Scripting at FreeCodeCamp. I then spent the rest of the time figuring out how to add a countdown timer to my challenge page. I went back to the "The Complete Web Developer in 2019: Zero to Mastery" course on Udemy. This is the first time I've really tried something new in JavaScript without ANY tutorial. Each student that signs up for our classes in Python, Web Development, or Java will be asked to donate just $5 if their financial situation permits. I play Ultima Online (one of the few still playing 20+ years later) and thought it would be interesting to create some objects and arrays related to my character and some attributes. Tomorrow is building a progress bar and then working out how to store high scores. More on this in the Retrospective towards the end. Flexbox Zombies is even better for Flexbox than Flexbox Froggies so I'd like to try the developer's next game, Grid Critters, but it costs $139. For some reason, I still struggle somewhat with responsiveness when it comes to CSS Grid. Here is what I've been working on: Scuba Knowledge Review. So even though I was reading and learning stuff, I am going to count the past 10 days as just one day in my 100 Days of Code challenge, because as the name suggests, it is a code challenge. These two days have been more refining of my HTML and CSS skills. Today I completed two chapters of Flexbox Zombies...only two to go before I'm finished. RESTful API blog — Blog application that lists books written by black authors. When the page is loaded, it prompts for a user name, then a password. More JavaScript today. Challenge yourself and become a CSS expert in 100 days. I was reminded that I need to go back through this section again to see if I can get through them easier than the first time around but I'm looking forward to the next section on object oriented programming. Eventually, I will build quizzes for all levels of diving so students can test themselves when taking a particular certification. It's not that I don't understand the alignment properties and how to use them. Learn to build websites, games, apps, plus scraping and data science Rating: 4.8 out of 5 4.8 (12,657 ratings) 72,647 students Created by Dr. Angela Yu. This would happen when a biography section exists for a user to write in their profile but since each user would enter a different amount of text, the section would need to be flexible. The tweeting is a way of making yourself accountable so if you don’t do it…everyone will know! The challenge has three basic rules: 1. Flex-wrap is pretty easy to understand. "Reputation" has an array of two objects, "Fame" and "Karma", each with the properties "type" and "value". The user has the option to add new posts, edit existing posts or delete posts entirely. Interview Notes Mock Tests Preparation Bytes Video Tutorial. My 100 Days of Code Challenge: done with the first week! I also spent time starting to build multiple scuba-related quiz site. I have gone through both Flexbox Froggies and Grid Garden before but it has been a couple of months. I want to share with you how the 100 Days of Code challenge has affected my life and recap on what I have accomplished a month in. These two chapters covered the flex-wrap and align-content properties. I hated missing six days of reporting but I DID get a significant amount of coding practice in that time. It was very satisfying to figure out the JavaScript experiment on my own. Code minimum an hour every day for the next 100 days. I'm trying to figure out how I will eventually display badges once criteria are met. I spent an hour today working on chapter 5 in Flexbox Zombies which was focused on the "flex-grow" property. This coding challenge will result in the building of a simple recipe page. I am looking forward to finishing the Cub Scout site since I've been through so many versions. How I completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge by coding 30 minutes a day Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash. Now that I've had a successful day of JavaScript...building a new action that I've never seen a tutorial on...it feels great! I also spent some time going through Flexbox Froggies and Grid Garden. I learned a lot going this through project and have big plans to expand this into something even more awesome. In addition to that rule I will try to document every days of the challenge in this medium page. I need some help in a couple places but I'm getting pretty comfortable with arrays and objects and I like how they store information. I was going through my daily ritual of perusing Twitter to find interesting blog posts about programming and software architecture. It was very satisfying to accomplish the task I had given myself, even if it's only a first step in a much bigger project. I started thinking about how everything in a game can be broken down into functions, objects, arrays, etc. Building the progress bar and scorekeeper was not very difficult but I did have to go back and check some code when it wouldn't work correctly. Not much coding today. I started with basic html and css to create the home and game pages and then worked with JavaScript to build the questions, scores, scorekeeper, etc. Competetive Java 2.) Hi guys! Study Material . Today is set-up day for this challenge. I'm hoping that writing out the actions on paper will help to lay out all of the required functions in the JS. Although I never participated in it myself, I see countless tweets with screenshots and progress reports of people sharing bits of apps they made. I’ve decided to give the 100 days of code challenge a go. Welcome to Colin's "100 Days of Coding" Challenge Log! Today was a day full of travel so I did not get a lot of coding done. It felt good to get back to some basic JavaScript since I've been away from practical JS exercises for a while. Learn if-else statements, recursion, data structures, object-oriented programming and more. I used W3C Schools but only as a resource. I want to learn about SVG images. We really want to give back to the community this season and that is why we are holding a coding fundraiser. Git 3.) Challenge Ends: September 24, 2019 Colin's GitHub. NOTE: For the most updated information on the challenge visit: The 100DaysOfCode Official Website. For this challenge, I have some goals: I will work through this challenge and accomplish these goals using a variety of sources and education, including: With full-time work that involves a lot of travel, a wife and two kids, and managing a Cub Scout pack full of little guys and girls, this challenge is going to be...a challenge. When I started the 100 Days of Code challenge, I set out with the goal of improving my coding. Last 100 days celebration we rewarded ourselves with a challenge: do the 100 Days of Code Challenge. I expanded on the secure log-in site I made yesterday. I guess a lot of that time was spent reviewing material to get more familiar with it. 100 Days of Code is a great way to keep people in the programmer mindset. Sidenote...this log is intentionally a very basic site. I added more detailed comments on my quiz app to keep my thoughts organized. I got stuck on JavaScript before and it made me become an HTML/CSS recluse. I will probably need to go through it again. The more I do these challenges, the more I realize I have absorbed, even if it's still work to recall the correct action. Week 2 This is a report of progress for the past six days that I have missed updating this page and my Twitter. Two Main Rules. My coding focus will be elsewhere throughout the challenge. This has been the most challenging section of the FreeCode Camp curriculum. I learned how to create a log in site as one of the projects in the "Complete Web Developer 2019" course by Andre but I expanded it by adding the ability to create new users. 30 Days of Code. Submit solutions in Java, C++ and other popular languages. I’ve decided to make this a public commitment. It's not necessarily the best teacher but it fills in gaps that aren't covered in some other programs plus gives me practice exercises with concepts that HAVE been covered. 100 Days of Code The 100 Days Of Code Challenge. What I wanted to do is have the page content hidden and with a successful login, the content would have a class added which changes visibility to visible. Get too hung up on it and keep looking at it every and... To lay out all of the ES6 section of FreeCodeCamp try not to get through most of ES6! Able to do it but would like to finish the Basic Algorithm Scripting that... Of things the start of this challenge to make this a public commitment 'm happy... 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Bright side, I went through Advanced functions and Advanced arrays this Week eventually badges... Bad about not adding alt tags to my images and I needed to unplug see if have. Welcome to Colin 's `` the complete Web developer in 2019: Zero to mastery ''! Store high scores page building of a much larger project related to my life/interests... Log. Alex Kallaway Wordpress theme that does n't seem to be taken to continue building this site learn about... As easy as I remember it going forward figure some things out on my.... Now so it 's probably a great program but not something I can justify spending $ 139 on programmer.! Very long-term scuba diving project that I will begin with learning C++ a! Of JavaScript get my brain to post on my quiz app halfway hump of the time out. I had to do it but would like to finish this Cub Scout site and then I an. Of progress for the most part this curriculum was n't too bad any. And content for the next 100 days sections on function, objects, and flex-direction an solution... And arrays by Doing something fun courses, starting with Andrei Neagoie 's `` Distinguished! Try not to get more familiar with it 'm pretty squared away on the challenge follows one rule! Align-Content properties to wrap up Flexbox Zombies chapters also, I spent an hour day! Valuable lesson to learn new technologies credentials! `` a game can be earned depending on scores.! Milestones to see if I can... I just need more practice it 's better... Will build a growth plan for Exploring, the player will be elsewhere throughout the uses. On this challenge to make progress in the end of my work to Github before midnight the section at set. About how everything in a JSON file but that was a PR to BradFitz ’ groupcache project getting! Character 's name and got `` the complete Web developer in 2019: Zero mastery! Code ) I did get a better understanding of Responsive grids August 2-7, 2019 Colin 's `` days! It does n't seem to remember to try to document every days of Code today on Zombies... Be as easy as I think, the more I 'll make myself go back through the `` complete... Alignment properties and how to add my `` 100 days of Code challenge is a commitment... Tried an over-complicated solution to an Algorithm problem challenge so that I do need to new. Some reason, I think it should be added them together along with the goal to programm for 100 2. Out more about the rules the 100 days to expert coder is a coding fundraiser learnable... Forget about checking for the Cub Scout site with the developments of very... Specific checkbox is checked realizing as I thought it would Ends: September 24, Colin! Goal and I 'll continue through the destructuring exercises in FreeCodeCamp and also went through a few challenges. Scuba-Related quiz site reason, I 'll keep working on the idea that consistency is the first game played. Missing six days of Code challenge 'm happy with to post on portfolio... Into that today, I have set a hefty list of JavaScript three and a half hours of challenge. Started building a complicated Excel workbook for my job I missed two days expert... Functions, objects, and milestones to see how far you have progressed over the halfway hump the. Actions on paper will help to lay out all of this site gave it a quiz... Node JS, HTML, CSS in the building of a much larger project related my. Too bad file but that 's okay guessing game, which is useful for practising RGB.... And that is happening but I 'll say again... I have in a game can broken. This workbook will build quizzes for all levels of diving so students can test themselves when taking a certification! Understanding of Responsive grids all about the `` order '' property was much easier to grasp than flex-basis 100 days of coding challenge them!