bcm to mmbtu

To go from $/tons of HFO to mmbtu in HFO (divide the HFO $/tons by 43.6*1.0551). $8 mmbtu) by 293 to get the price for 1 KwH and you get $0.027 (= 2.7 cents). 36.32995129 for ‘000 Sm3 to MMBtu If you want to then convert the price from Brent to. Conversion Factors Table. $ per therm multiplied by 1.032 = $ per Ccf Use the resulting equation ft 3 /day (60F at 14.696 psia). If a gas field holds 8 tcf of natural gas this is equal to 8,000 bcf. However, this number contradicts all other coefficients of the report. To use the online converter tool below, first select the appropriate energy content per cubic feet of gas and per barrel of oil.If you do not know the exact factors to use, the factors 1 million Btu = 1000 cf and 1 barrel of oil equivalent = 5,800 cf is a common approximation. Now, the British thermal unit is almost replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule. The Ministry of National For Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Generators cannot come anywhere close to 100% efficiency. Energy dictionary consists of a Hebrew-English glossary of terms used in the energy industry with explanations and definitions. Coal $/mmBtu. To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. The unit is most often used as a measure of power (symbol: Btu/h) in the power. Maps, illustrations, graphs and tables can be reused, given that the material is marked with the source and link to www.norskpetroleum.no. Abbreviation Unit; bbl/d: barrel per day: mbbl/d: thousand barrels per day: mmbbl/d: million barrels per day: bbl/y: barrels per year: mbbl/y: thousand barrels per year Diferent gas flow units conversion from Standard cubic foot per minute to Millions British thermal units. As part of the largest retail energy suppliers in North America, we have the capability to meet energy needs of for enterprises of any size, whether it's smartly procuring electricity and natural gas or finding innovative ways to reduce demand. Easily convert billions m3 natural gas to million btu, convert Gm3 NG to MMBtu . Coal $/mmBtu. so if 1 MMBtu is $7, that is 27.6 mcm at $7, so to reach the price of 1,000 kscm take $7 divided by 27.6 multiplied by 1,000, You can convert prices from one basis to another: Thus, you take the price per ton (e.g. 1 million ton of oil equivalent of natural gas = 1.11 bcm of natural gas. For example, $85.52 per MWh is the same as 8.552 $cents per kwh. 1 ton of LNG = 52.21 mmbtu (HHV); 1350-1380 m³ of gas (standard) (in Israel the figure is 1451) , 2.2 m³ of LNG To obtain the prices of an mmbtu of gas if one has the price in a thousand cubic meters, one needs to divide the price by 35.315. All of the following are equivalent to 1 MMBtu: Electricity: 293.083 kWh @ 3412 Btu/kWh; Natural Gas: 1 MCF, 10 therms, 1 Dth, or 1,000 cu ft; Coal: 83.34 lbs @ 12,000 Btu/lb They provide data for crude oil, products, natural gas, LNG, electricity and solid fuels. 1 bcm is equal to 36,000,000 mmbtu and one ton of natural gas is equal to 52.4 mmbtu (as per IEC data book). $ per Mcf divided by 1.032 = $ per MMBtu Gas consumption in SCM and MMBtu would be separately mentioned in your gas bill/invoice. The company is comprised of four Designated Contract Markets (DCMs). 1 bcm of gas is equal to 678,000 tons of gas. Convert energy units. Convert 1 TOE into one-million British Thermal Unit and tons of oil equivalent to mmBTU. So at $100 Brent, it is $13 to $14 per mmbtu. 1 m³ of LNG = 0.46 tons of LNG, 23.9 mmbtu; 584 m³ of gas (standard) (In Israel there is no official publication of the ratio); Natural gas and LNG are generally traded in terms of $/MMBtu or $/TJ. They provide data for crude oil, products, natural gas, LNG, electricity and solid fuels. Considering that LNG is sold on an “energy” basis value, one can determine an “EQUIVALENT LNG“ sales price based on the on the variable price for a bbl of crude oil. Therefore, 1 BTU equals 0.000001 MMBTU. To convert to the price in tons equivalent one would need to multiply by 7 so that $80 a barrel would be equal to $420 ton. About norwegianpetroleum.no. The conversion factors cover calculation between weight, volume and calorific measures. 1: This is a conversion chart for million BTU (British and American). For each 1 bcm divide the total sale price by 1 billion and multiply by 28.317. Divide this figure by 1,000,000,000 and multiply by 28.317. MMBtu = 1 million Btu = 100万Btu = 1,054 MJ = 252,000 kcal ≈ 25 m 3 of natural gas ≒ 天然ガス25m LNG (LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS) 液化天然ガス Volume conversion 数量換算 1 ton ≈ 1,220 m3 of natural gas 1トン≒天然ガス1,220m3 1 million ton ≈ 1.22 billion m3 of natural gas 100万トン≒天然ガ … To convert the price of 1 mmbtu of gas into the price for 1 bcm, multiply the price by 36.7 million, so that if for instance natural gas is priced at $5 mmbtu then the value for each 1 bcm is $183.5 million. To convert from BCM to mmbtu: multiply the bcm by 1 billion (e9) and divide by 28 (e.g. Gasunie does not guarantee the accuracy of results. To calculate the price of the conversion of natural gas price ($/mmbtu) to electricity prices (cents/kWhr) = You take 1 mmbtu which is equal to 293 KWH at 100% plant efficiency. Obviously the calorific value of diesel varies so the conversion factor is not exact, but it is a ‘typical’ number that is pretty constant. 353 bcf per year is an approximate consumption of 1 bcf per day. You may require an m3 to mmbtu calculator when working with metric volume units rather than cf. To convert a price from $1,000 cm to $/MMBtu = divide the $mcm 36.2 to get the price in $/MMBtu, 1 MMBtu = 27.6 kscm/mcm. AND $ /ton = Calculate /mmBtu Coal Futures (Central Appalachian Coal) - 12,000 Btus per pound) The value of a $ /ton price move on this contract = Calculate $ CME Group is the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace. You then divide the price of the natural gas per mmbtu (e.g. In a power plant, the conversion rate of MMBTU to MHW hours determines the plant’s efficiency and is known as the plant’s heat rate. So 75% to 81%. So: 0.037 €/kwh becomes $11.78 per MMBtu. Btu—British thermal unit(s) Ccf—the volume of 100 cubic feet (cf) M—one thousand (1,000) MM—one million (1,000,000) Mcf—the volume of 1,000 cubic feet MMBtu—1,000,000 British thermal units Therm—One therm equals 100,000 Btu, or 0.10 MMBtu 1 bcm of natural gas is equal to 35.7 trillion British Thermal Units (or 35,714,286 MMBtu as per the EIA and used by the PUA). To convert from BCM to mmbtu: multiply the bcm by 1 billion (e9) and divide by 28 (e.g. ›› Metric conversions and more ConvertUnits.com provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. If one wants to compare the price of natural gas to that of coal one divides the price of coal in tons (e.g. The result is as follows: 35,315 BTUs equals 0.035315 MMBTU. A BOE conversion ratio of 6 McF: 1 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent value equivalency at the well head. To convert from billion cubic feet to billion cubic meters divide the bcf figure by 35.3. 1 m³ of gas (standard) = 27.6 mmbtu (HHV) . The measurement units that are specific to an energy product and are employed at the point of measurement of the energy flow are often referred to as “original” or “natural” units. So 75% to 81%. $ per Ccf divided by 1.032 = $ per therm What are Ccf, Mcf, Btu, and therms? Example: If 1 bcm of gas costs $250,000,000. For instance, 1 mcm = 1.154 ton of fuel equivalent = 29.3 GJ x 1.154 = 33.8 GJ = 32.0 MMBtu. MJ/NM 3 = mega joules per normal cubic meter (0C at 14.696 psia). Now, the British thermal unit is almost replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule. 1 MWH is thus equal to 3,412,142 btu. To convert from bcm to bcf * by 35.3. BTU : The British thermal unit is a traditional measure unit of energy, approximately equals 1055 joules. It is recommended that shippers perform their own calculations before agreeing contracts. How do I convert natural gas prices in dollars per Ccf or Mcf to dollars per Btu or therm? 1 Million cubic feet equals 28316.846592 cubic meters (SI base unit). To convert quantities from mmbtu to bcm multiply the mmbtu by 28 and divide by 1,000,000,000. An MMBTU is one million BTUs. A given scf (standard cubic foot) of soil of natural gas yields about 1,000 Btu, or 1 MBtu, of heat. 1 mcf. 35.7149 for ‘000 Cm3 to MMBtu. If want to know how much a station uses per year multiply by number of annual hours (e.g. 1 bcf of flow a day requires 10 wells at 100 million cubic feet a day, 15 wells or 20 wells at 50 million cubic feet a day. Thus if a generator could convert all of the energy from the fuel into electric energy, its heat rate would be 3.412 MMBTU/MWH. For example 7660000 mmbtu per annum of natural gas consumption is equal to 0.21448 bcm. Conversion Factors Table. So 1 dekatherm = 10 1. if it is a 44% efficient power station divide by 0.44) and this then equals $ cents per KwH cost of generation (namely the cost of generation 1 KWH of electricity with thus the natural gas element). 35.3 bcf = 1 bcm (35,300 mmcf = 1 bcm). MMBTU - Million BTU. $ per therm multiplied by 10.32 = $ per Mcf. The better units being around 50% efficiency. To link the price of natural gas to that of oil (e.g. To go from bcm a month to mmcf a day, multiply the bcm by 35.32 and divide by 30/31. 1 cubic foot natural gas (NG) – wet = 1,109 Btu 1 cubic foot – dry = 1,027 Btu 1 cubic foot – dry = 1,087 kilojoules million btu (MMBtu) Destination unit: megawatt hour (MWh) Related category: Power In physics, energy is a scalar physical quantity that describes the amount of work that can be performed by a force, an attribute of objects and systems that is subject to a conservation law. To understand the price of gasoil in mmbtu: If you obtain the price in cents per UK Gallon you first need to convert to US Gallon. Direct Energy Business offers electricity and natural gas supply solutions to large enterprises. Btu: /lb. bcm-kWh-MWh-GWh-TWh-J-MJ-GJ-TJ-PJ-m3-mln m3-m3 LNG-ton LNG-m3 (n; 35,17)-mln m3 (n; 35,17)-TOE-MTOE -----Versie 1.0.0 | download offline version. Disclaimer. 7,000). Disclaimer: The MOE Conversion tool should be used as a guide only as it has been configured to provide approximate conversions. Convert 1 SCFM into Million British thermal units and Standard cubic feet per minute to MMBtu/day. Measuring energy in food. To do this multiply by 1.2. Asia-Pacific spot LNG prices breached the $20/MMBtu mark to hit an all-time high on Jan. 7, amid a cold snap across northeast Asia and persistent shipping constraints. Brent) one needs to divide the price by 5.8, so that if for instance Brent costs $80 a barrel, the equivalent in mmbtu of natural gas would be $13.79. If a natural gas price is quoted as an indexation of a percentage of Brent (e.g. MOE accepts no responsibility for the use of, or reliance up​​on, the information provided by the Conversion tool. The other way around, how many Millions British thermal units - MMBtu/day are in one Standard cubic foot per minute - SCFM unit? $500 / 7 = $71 a barrel). ››Definition: Dekatherm. This translates into a heat rate of 6.824 MMBTU/MWH, meaning that producing one MWH of electric energy requires burning fuel with a heat content of 6.824 MMBTU. Disclaimer: The MOE Conversion tool should be used as a guide only as it has been configured to provide approximate conversions. It is recommended that shippers perform their own calculations before agreeing contracts. If the power station’s efficiency is 44% you then divide the 2.7 cents by 44% (by 0.44) and you get 6.2 US c/kwh. To obtain the prices of an mmbtu of gas if one has the price in a thousand cubic meters, one needs to divide the price by 35.315. MTPA = million tonnes/year (94% onstream time) PETAJOULE conversion to MILLION TONNES @ 1100 BTU/SCF HHV Really. A given scf (standard cubic foot) of soil of natural gas yields about 1,000 Btu, or 1 MBtu, of heat. To convert CM3 and Sm3 = This glossary is the fruit of labor, compilation, experience and research carried out solely by Gina Cohen. Energy products are measured in physical units by their mass, volume, and energy content. 50 bcm multiplied by 1 billion divided by 28 = 1,785,714,286 mmbtu. Then you need to get the price in $ per ton, to do this multiply by 262. $110 ton) by 23.8 to get the price of coal in mmbtu. Then you need to get the price in $ per GJ, to do this divide the $ per ton by 45.6 to get the price in $ per GJ. To convert from €/kwh to $/mmbtu: first get the exchange rate of the $/€ exchange rate (e.g.) This means there are 28.317 m3 per mmbtu. This assumes the gas has CV of 1,000 btu/cu ft. At the assumed CV of 1,000 btu/ft3 there are 35,315 btu per m3. For example, the energy in a 300-food calorie ice cream cone is about the same as the amount of electricity required to light a 100-watt incandescent light bulb for 3.5 hours. This facility would require recoverable reserves of approximately 1 tcf over a 20-year life. x. HFO – to convert from bbls of Brent to tons of HFO multiply the Brent by 7.54. The Santos Conversion Calculator should be used as a guide only as it has been configured to provide approximate measurement conversions through rounding, limiting converted measurements to no more than 5 decimal places and using common product … MMBTU - million British thermal units: STB - stock tank barrels MSTB - thousand stock tank barrels 2127 liters - one ton LNG 47,000 tons = 100 thousand kiloliters LNG : 135,000 m3 (62,000 tons) LNG ship unloads 12 hrs docked 21 one month trip Korea from Middle East, 15 days Australia: 1 cubic meter of natural gas ~ 1/2 metric ton. 2: To convert a quantity of gas of 1 bcm per year into mmscfd (if gas has CV of 1,000): Multiply 1 bcm * 35.315 and divide by 365 I bcm is equal to 35.3 billion cubic feet (bcf), is equal to 0.83 million tons oil equivalent (mmtoe) (or 900,000 tons according to the Israeli ministry of energy conversion rate), is equal to 6.1 million barrels oil equivalent (mmboe) (or 6.6 according to the conversion rate used by the Israeli Ministry of Energy), is equal to 17.23 thousand barrels of oil, is equal to 96.7 million standard cubic feet, is equal to 0.73 million tons of LNG. Assuming NCV of 8350 kcal/scm, 1 MMBtu will approximately be equal to 30.12 SCM. 1 bcm is equal to 36,000,000 mmbtu and one ton of natural gas is equal to 52.4 mmbtu (as per IEC data book). BTU : The British thermal unit is a traditional measure unit of energy, approximately equals 1055 joules. Direct Energy Business offers electricity and natural gas supply solutions to large enterprises. This site is run in cooperation by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. To get from daily power station gas requirement in energy terms – MMBtu – to power station diesel requirement in tonnes, need to divide the mmbtu by 43.2187 which is the conversion factor based on the number of MMBtu in each tonne of diesel. Energy Conversion table; Conversion calculator; Energy calculator; One bcm of natural gas; One billion cubic meters of gas; Convert 1 bcm of gas; Conversion of gas. Gasunie does not guarantee the accuracy of results. Since natural gas is often sold at a discounted percentage of oil (potentially 50% thereof), a formula could be something like 50% * (brent/5.8). This value may vary slightly depending on actual calorific value of gas. $ per Mcf divided by 10.32 = $ per therm 1 MWH is equivalent to 3.412 MMBTU. Many other converters available for free. Unit Descriptions; 1 Cubic Foot of Natural Gas: 1000 BTU IT: 1 Million British Thermal Units: A million British thermal units calculated using the International Steam Table (IT) calorie, outside of the US this is perhaps the most widespread use of BTU. Abbreviation Unit; bbl/d: barrel per day: mbbl/d: thousand barrels per day: mmbbl/d: million barrels per day: bbl/y: barrels per year: mbbl/y: thousand barrels per year To convert U.S. dollars per 107 kilocalories to U.S. dollars per million British thermal units (Btu), multiply by 0.0252. This converter is very easy. You can find metric conversion tables for SI units, as well as English units, currency, and other data. Natural gas measurements and conversions. Obviously the price would go up or down if the CV was higher or lower than the assumed 1,000 btu per ft3. Then from GJ to mmbtu divide by 1.055 to get the price of the gasoil in mmbtu. Natural gas is usually measured in multiples of thousands of cubic feet (Ccf, Mcf, MMcf, Tcf). To calculate the price in mmbtu if you have the price in bcm. Conversion through calories or barrels of oil equivalent also produces results close to 32 MMBtu per mcm. 1 Million cubic feet equals 28316.846592 cubic meters (SI base unit). It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Using the previous calculation of 35,315 BTUs in a cubic meter, multiply 35,315 by 0.000001 to convert to MMBTUs. You may require an m3 to mmbtu calculator when working with metric volume units rather than cf. Btu: /lb. Natural gas is usually measured in multiples of thousands of cubic feet (Ccf, Mcf, MMcf, Tcf). Unit Descriptions; 1 Million Cubic Feet: A million cubic feet. The unit is most often used as a measure of power (symbol: Btu/h) in the power. Each KwH of electricity requires 0.003412 mmbtu’s of energy. Between SCFM and MMBtu/day measurements conversion chart page. 0.92 $ per €) then multiply by 293. Consumption of 10 bcm of natural gas per year * 35.35 = 353 bcf a year (353 billion cubic feet per year). 1 MMCF = 28316.846592 m 3.: 1 Cubic Meter: 1 Million British thermal units (IT) = 1055055852.62 joules. Unit Descriptions; 1 Million Cubic Feet: A million cubic feet. Conversion Chart. 1,000 cm (kscm or mcm or thousand cubic meters) is 36.2 MMBtu. Energy products are measured in physical units by their mass, volume, and energy content. The conversion/comparison between scm and MMBtu can be done based on 1 MMBtu = 252,000 KiloCalorie. If you have the price of natural gas in tons and want to convert it to the price per mmbtu: 1 bcm of gas is equal to 678,500 tons of gas. http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fhe-il.facebook.com%2F[CURRENT_SITE_URL]&width&layout=button_count&action=like&show_faces=false&share=true&height=21. As part of the largest retail energy suppliers in North America, we have the capability to meet energy needs of for enterprises of any size, whether it's smartly procuring electricity and natural gas or finding innovative ways to reduce demand. 8,000 bcf divided by 353 bcf per year = 22 years of consumption. 1 MMCF = 28316.846592 m 3.: 1 Cubic Meter: Food calories are a measure of energy in food. To convert from $/MWh to cents per kwh, divide by 1,000. Photos used on the website are copy protected and cannot be reused without the photographer’s consent. Its symbol is Btu, or sometimes BTU. The conversion factors cover calculation between weight, volume and calorific measures. The company is comprised of four Designated Contract Markets (DCMs). MMSCFD = million std. AND $ /ton = Calculate /mmBtu Coal Futures (Central Appalachian Coal) - 12,000 Btus per pound) The value of a $ /ton price move on this contract = Calculate $ CME Group is the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace. 6.1 mcf = 1 bbl (BOEs may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. In other words 13 x 5.8 = approx 75 % of energy value of Brent to 14 x 5.8 = approx 81% of energy value of Brent. Diferent energy units conversion from ton of oil equivalent (59°F) to one-million British Thermal Units. If one then has the cost of diesel in tons one can divide this figure by 43.2187 to get the cost of diesel per mmbtu. bcm-kWh-MWh-GWh-TWh-J-MJ-GJ-TJ-PJ-m3-mln m3-m3 LNG-ton LNG-m3 (n; 35,17)-mln m3 (n; 35,17)-TOE-MTOE -----Versie 1.0.0 | download offline version. One food calorie is equal to 1,000 calories, or 1 kilocalorie. The SI prefix "deka" represents a factor of 10 1, or in exponential notation, 1E1.. To convert from bcm to bcf * by 35.3. Please enable scripts and reload this page. $ per MMBtu multiplied by 1.032 = $ per Mcf 1 KWH is equal to 0.003412 MMBTU or 3,412 BTU. To link the price of natural gas to that of HFO one needs to take the price of HFO in tons and since there are roughly 7 barrels in a ton, one can divide the price (e.g. 1 MMBtu = 1055055852.62 J. Bcm = milyar m3 (billion cubic meter) Mcm = milyon m3 (million cubic meter) – mcm/d Mtpa = million tonne per annum – 1 mtpa = 1.3 bcm 1 m3 LNG = 600 m3 doğal gaz – LNG noktasındaki stok $/ mmbtu * 35 = 1000m3 fiyat The lexicon also works on mobile devices; just download it to your phones, it takes 1 minute and is free. Btu↔MMBtu 1 MMBtu = 1000000 Btu Btu↔lbf.in 1 Btu = 9338.032335 lbf.in » Mega Btu (IT) Conversions: MMBtu↔J 1 MMBtu = 1055055986.5459 J MMBtu↔GJ 1 MMBtu = 1.055056 GJ MMBtu↔MJ 1 MMBtu = 1055.055987 MJ MMBtu↔kJ 1 MMBtu = 1055055.986546 kJ MMBtu↔mJ 1 MMBtu = 1055055986545.9 mJ MMBtu↔uJ 1 MMBtu = 1.0550559865459E+15 uJ An LNG facility producing 1 million tons per year (million tons per annum, or MTA) of LNG requires 48.7 bcf (1.38 bcm) of natural gas per year, equivalent to 133 MMcfd. The other way around, how many one-million British Thermal Units - mmBTU are in one ton of oil equivalent (59°F) - TOE unit? Its symbol is Btu, or sometimes BTU. 1 bcm of gas or 35.7  million mmbtu of gas = to find the equivalent in gasoil one has divide by 43.218 to get amount in tons (then find the price of gasoil in tons and you get the equivalent price of gasoil per 1 bcm of natural gas) or for fuel oil/mazut divide by 41.2. Conversion is easy: Need help? To get amount of mmscf per hour divide by 24 It means 1 mcm = 1000/28 = 35.7 MMBtu. The difference in this example in the price of oil and fuel oil (or $80 difference) is the refining and delivery margin on ready to use FO. One well can produce about 75 million cubic feet of gas per day, thus about 13-14 wells would be required. Headquarter 1230 Higuera St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805 547 2050 1 BCM = 776,701 t: LNG 1 t = 2.22 m³ (액체부피) = 1,272 Nm³ (기체부피) = 44,923 ft³ (기체부피) = 51.994 MMBTU = 54,858 MJ = 15,236 kWh: LNG 1 t = 2.24 m³ (액체부피) = 1,287 Nm³ (기체부피) = 45,468 ft³ (기체부피) = 52.111 MMBTU = 54,980 MJ = 15,270 kWh: LNG선 1척 = 135,000 m³ (액체부피) = … To calculate the cost of electricity generated by diesel per KwH, one multiplies the diesel price per mmbtu by the annual fuel output required by a particular power station (amounts of mmbtu’s required) which is adjusted according to a power plant’s efficiency then divide by the annual KwH output (which is the size of the station * the amount of hours it will generate) to give the price of $/KwH and multiply this by 100 to show the price in c/Kwh. 815 NIS per ton) and divide this by 52.4 to get the price per mmbtu in shekels and then convert it to dollars. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. MOE accepts no responsibility for the use of, or reliance up on, the information provided by the Conversion tool. Between TOE and mmBTU measurements conversion chart page. 1 mmbtu = approx. If you want a simple conversion from cost of natural gas to cost per kwh of power (without taking into consideration any opex, capex and other costs), then one needs to take the cost of natural gas ($/mmbtu) divided by (293) then divided by the assumed efficiency of the power station (e.g. between 13%-15% of Brent) this means 0.13 X Brent to 0.14 x Brent. To convert from cubic meters of LNG into tons of LNG one has to divide by 2.18 or multiple by 0.46 (so 165,000 cubic meter container of LNG is 75,837 mt of LNG). The JKM was assessed at … The measurement units that are specific to an energy product and are employed at the point of measurement of the energy flow are often referred to as “original” or “natural” units. 1 cubic foot natural gas (NG) – wet = 1,109 Btu 1 cubic foot – dry = 1,027 Btu 1 cubic foot – dry = 1,087 kilojoules 1 cubic foot – compressed = 960 Btu 1 pound = 20,551 Btu 1 gallon – liquid = 90,800 Btu – HHV * 1 gallon – liquid = 87,600 Btu – LHV * 1 million cubic feet = 1,027 million Btu 1 metric ton liquefied natural gas (LNG) = 48,700 cubic feet of natural gas 1 billion cubic meters NG = 35.3 billion cubic feet NG 1 billion cubic meters NG = .90 million metric tons oil equivalent 1 billion cubic meters NG = .73 million … One million tons of LNG is equal to between 1.38 – 1.41 bcm of gas. You can also go to the universal conversion page. Approximate conversion factors – Statistical Review of World Energy Page | 2 Natural gas and LNG To convert Billion cubic metres NG Billion cubic feet To convert the price of gas from $/MW to $/MMBtu divide by 3.408. Then you need to get the price in $ per GJ, to do this divide the $ per ton by 45.6 to get the price in $ per GJ. By 23.8 to get the price of coal in mmbtu reused without the photographer ’ s of energy in.! By 1,000 1 MMcf = 1 bcm ( 35,300 MMcf = 1 (... Reused without the photographer ’ s of energy in food 3.: 1 cubic meter ( 0C at 14.696 ). Disclaimer: the MOE conversion tool well as English units, currency, and therms per 107 to... Thermal units and Standard cubic foot ) of soil of natural gas yields about 1,000 Btu per m3 on mmbtu... Labor, compilation, experience and research carried out solely by Gina Cohen you get $ 0.027 =! 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This multiply by 262 gas, LNG, electricity and solid fuels site is run in by. 36.2 mmbtu 14.696 psia ) per € ) then multiply by 28.317 MBtu, of heat a guide only it! Calories, or 1 MBtu, of heat be separately mentioned in your gas bill/invoice guide! Bcf * by 35.3 thus about 13-14 wells would be 3.412 MMBTU/MWH 85.52... Do this multiply by 0.0252 price by 1 billion ( e9 ) divide.
bcm to mmbtu 2021